Basil in the Top 250 Scaleups 2022
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Basil has acquired a position in the Top 250 Scaleups 2022! That makes Basil B.V one of an exclusive group of innovative companies that have delivered an impressive performance year on year.
The Top 250 Scaleups is an overview of companies that have achieved a growth of at least 20% in FTE and/or revenue for three consecutive years. Outstanding achievers, who give the Dutch and local economy an enormous boost. Later this year, the Top 10 will be announced and the fastest grower on the list will receive the Golden Award.
“We are extremely proud of the fact that Basil B.V. has been selected for the Top 250 Scaleups,” says Marthijn van Balveren, owner of Basil B.V and MIK. “We see that more and more consumers are making a conscious choice for our bicycle accessories and our successful MIK-Click system”.
It is also remarkable that Basil is one of the three oldest companies on the list, in addition to the many startups. “It is very challenging to maintain high growth as an established company,” says Marthijn. “We have succeeded in helping more people enjoy cycling every year through teamwork, innovation and a strong focus on our customer. And we will continue to do so in the coming years!”
The Top 250 Scaleups is an initiative of NLgroeit and Erasmus Centre of Entrepreneurship